But what happens when you have exhausted all 'extensive' potential? Having extended outwards and upwards, reducing your garden to a size smaller than which you wouldn't dare, only one plausible option remains. The only way to get more house space without procuring a magical annex of land is to extend down, into the hitherto uncontemplated bowels of the property.
But hang on; is this really possible?! Believe it or not, yes -- and it's already happening. Underground extensions,although a relatively extremely rare occurance, are already taking place in this country. I know: I heard about it on Radio 4 (they don't lie on Radio 4).
If you missed it, the BBC website features a written new story, chronicling the underground adventures of a deceptively-mundane-looking suburban home in Ipswich. With an extension under the lawn, as the tale regales, all that signifies the splendour below are two tell-tale reinforced skylights, that poke out between the grass, like shiny, wide eyed, square eyes, unjaded and full of promise. And promise there may be; below lies a 4 x 10 metre room, accessible via a staircase off the regular-floored kitchen.
Coming in at around 120 grand however, the baby of the extension family doesn't come cheap. For innovation, wow factor and sheer ingeniousness though, you'll probably agree that it's worth it.
If you or anyone you know is considering extending and you'd like to look into the subterranean option, www.undergroundliving.co.uk is the place to go. They were responsible for the Ipswich project, and having created underground spaces from offices, gyms, playroom and bedrooms, they are sure to be able to plan to your needs. What's more, as they manage the project from the drawing stage to garden reconstruction, there is only one quote involved, and more importantly, bill to worry about (yay!).
Fancy a gander, or would like some inspiration? Take a look on the Underground Living website for some design ideas and how to get started. Who knows where a bit of browsing might lead.
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